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Nothing is more disheartening to a reptile keeper than finding that peculiar looking round dot moving around on his or her favorite pet snake. The immediate response is to say ugh and squash the tiny little bastard. Unfortunately this rarely ...
I managed to stay away from selling reptiles online for almost 20 years because I didn’t think I had the right plan or the right website to make sure both the animals and the buyers had the best experience possible. This all changed earlier in ...
As a ball python breeder and an avid herper I have been cautious of buying adult ball pythons when adding new genetic lines to my collection. There is a time and a place for everything and that applies when it comes to buying an adult ball ...
I have been one of the few reptile owners lucky enough to have experienced keeping venomous snakes in captivity. These are my experiences and reasons why I had them and I no longer have them. My first venomous snake the classic Monocled Cobra It ...
One of the greatest human endeavors other than fighting polio and landing on the moon has been the global effort to breed ball pythons. There are many ordinary people across the world breeding some extra ordinary ball python morphs. This is my ...