Reptile UVB Light Bulb 15.0

(2 Customer Reviews)



  • High UVB and UVA Output - No Harmful UVC Output
  • Increases Feeding and Matting Behaviors
  • Aids in Vitamin D3 Regulation for Better Calcium Absorption
  • 5 Inches Base to Tip - Fits Standard Sockets
  • Free 30 Day Returns - Satisfaction Guarantee
SKU:XYZUVB15Categories: Tags:bearded dragon lighting, chameleon lighting, reptile lights, reptile UVB light, UVB bulb
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Our reptile UVB light bulb 15.0 is a fantastic source of high intensity lighting for your desert dwelling reptiles. 15.0 UVB lights are perfect for rock iguana lighting and tortoise lighting. The XYZReptiles UVB light bulb 15.0 is manufactured under strict and rigorous guidelines to ensure proper lighting for your reptile pet.

This high intensity reptile uvb light is made specifically to be used for specific desert species. Use this bulb along with a 150 watt basking light for perfect desert lighting.

This bulb is ideal for tortoises like the sulcata tortoise, the redfoot tortoise and the leopard tortoise. This bulb is also great for bearded dragons, tegus, savannah monitors and other pet lizards. Finally, this light is an ideal choice for illuminating Rock Iguana terrariums. If you are looking for desert reptile lights and you want the best bulb then you have found it.

Because reptile lighting is an important part of the perfect reptile setup you need a quality reptile UVB light for your pet. Along with proper bedding, heating and feeding, proper lighting keeps your reptile pet healthy and happy. You may want to view our other UVB and heat bulbs.

Pro Tip: All UVB bulbs lose their intensity over time and need to be replaced. Write the start date on the UVB bulb itself and change it every six to eight months.

2 reviews

  1. roxanne.d.smith (verified owner)

    It’s hard to find 10+ UVB bulbs. I have a Red Foot Tortoise that needs 10%-12% daily UVB. I’ve been using the 10s but I’ve been wanting to use something a bit higher since she gets limited outdoor access. My UVB tester shows that the bulbs do provide a good amount of UVB. Good price, reasonable shipping time, overall a good product. I really like how you can buy a two-pack.

  2. kmiecikjoe50 (verified owner)

    Everything was easy to find and everything was easy to order.

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