Thermometer For Reptiles

(20 Customer Reviews)

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.


  • Made from high quality electronics
  • Easily switches between Celsius and Fahrenheit 
  • Powerful suction cup ensures solid connection to terrarium
SKU:XYZDRTCategories: Tags:digital reptile thermometer, reptile digital thermometer, reptile thermometer, terrarium thermometer
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The  XYZReptiles thermometer for reptiles is made from high quality electronics to ensure accurate temperature readings. This futuristic and functional digital reptile thermometer is a necessity for habitats. It is key in making sure that your reptile’s habitat is at the optimal ambient temperate.

Providing the correct ambient temperature will help ensure that you have a healthy and happy reptile pet. Our digital reptile thermometer easily switches between Celsius and Fahrenheit with a pin push to suite your preference. The pinhole is located under the left side of the suction cup on the back of the thermometer.

It also features a powerful suction cup to ensure a solid connection to your reptile pet’s terrarium so that it stays put. Pair it with our under tank heater (ideal for 10-15 gallon tanks) and create the perfect warm reptilian environment.

  • Made from high quality electronics
  • Easily switches between Celsius and Fahrenheit
  • Powerful suction cup ensures solid connection to terrarium

20 reviews

  1. samiejo2016 (verified owner)

    I love it, works great and is easy to read.

  2. Petter Liu (verified owner)


  3. David Kelly (verified owner)

    Works great, easy to read and use. Thanks

  4. janeli_g

    Amazing product!

  5. daniellemelissasteele (verified owner)

    Sleek and simple, I love it!

  6. Ashby Jackson (verified owner)

    Great to have and simple. Thanks xyzreptiles for another great item.

  7. davegrey1953 (verified owner)

    Couldn’t be simpler !!! Just attach it to the glass . It’s display is very easy to see .

  8. jayx1216 (verified owner)

    Simple, easy to read digital thermostat. It’s able to display both Celsius and Fahrenheit by poking the pinhole on the back.

  9. shylisa77 (verified owner)

    Works great!

  10. ang3019 (verified owner)

    I love this digital thermometer. It looks great in the cage and its so easy to read. There’s a pinhole on the back of the thermometer that switches it from Celcius to Fahrenheit really easy. Excellent product for the price. I highly recommend this thermometer to everyone who needs one.

  11. Jessica Brown (verified owner)

    Very cool thermostat.

  12. Susan Wargo (verified owner)

    Works great!

  13. charles.chasteen1182 (verified owner)

    It gets the job done without bells and whistles.
    It took me a second to realize it was in Celsius.

    • xyzReptiles

      Hello and thanks for your review. As stated on the product page it “Easily Switches Between Fahrenheit & Celsius”. There is pinhole on the back where you can switch it.

  14. abigail krogh (verified owner)

    These are great thermometers! I bought two for my 40 gallon python tank and they’re good quality and sleek in the tank!

  15. bigjamebo1983 (verified owner)

    Really good digital thermometer! Bought two of these for my kingsnakes in separate reptile enclosures. Very much affordable and reads very well! Keep up the good work XYZReptiles!

  16. James Easterwood (verified owner)

    It’s a useful tool to have with reptiles. Sleek and reads the temperature well.

  17. bigjamebo1983 (verified owner)

    This is a really good digital thermometer. Reads very well. It’s thin and cool looking. Thanks again XYZReptiles!

  18. Micki Burch (verified owner)

    I’ve had to take the battery out and move it to get it to come on several times and it will not stay suctioned in my cage…. I wish it would because it’s very ideal!

    • xyzReptiles

      Hi David, thank you for your review and feedback. We were happy to resolve the water bowl issue and apologize for any inconvenience. We do mention in the description that this ball python habit should be used with a 10 gallon tank. This is what we recommend for all of our baby ball pythons.

  19. Jeffrey Askew (verified owner)

    Very useful, very handy. I couldn’t seem to get it to read in farenheit, so it also forced me to learn how to read celcius lol thanks for the science lesson, its much appreciated lol Thanks XYZ

    • xyzReptiles

      Hi Jeffery, there is a pin hole on the back. Just insert the end of a paper clip and it can be switched back and forth between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

  20. Clayton Pope (verified owner)

    For the $ it’s a good thermometer. Small watch battery. Have only had it 3 days so we will see; “u get what u pay for!” lol

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