Baby Pastel Pied Ball Python

(6 Customer Reviews)


Species: Python regius  Weight: Approximately 60-150 grams Diet: Live and Frozen/Thawed Medium Mice Image: Representative Image SKU:A410262Categories:
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The pastel pied ball python for sale is a beautifully colored and patterned ball python morph. Our baby pastel pied ball pythons for sale are available in a variety of patterns. Pied ball pythons are known for the amount of white versus amount of pattern they display. The benefit of having a pastel pied ball python is that the pastel gene makes the pattern pop into a range of colors. These beautiful baby pythons are raised under optimal conditions and fed weekly.




6 reviews

  1. jmartinez43081 (verified owner)

    I’m satisfied with everything and will return in the future. I love my pythons.

  2. Daniel Sharpe (verified owner)

    Beautiful snake delivered on time and healthy. Next snake will most definitely be from XYZ!

  3. Anthony Dejesus (verified owner)

    Just so beautiful, my daughter loves it

  4. kimie38special (verified owner)

    Arrived in great shape… beautiful baby snake just as pictured. Tysm!

  5. Jesse Brannan (verified owner)

    Not sure why my comments disappeared after saying pending, but I am very happy with XYZReptiles. My 4 babies are just completely amazing and I couldn’t of asked for any better.

  6. bridgerhunt37 (verified owner)

    My baby showed up well cared for, came with a heating unit and well insulated inside while the over night shipping took place. He arrived with no mites, pits were very clean, looking very friendly and breathtakingly gorgeous. So happy to be apart of the xyz community and the care that comes with handling/keeping reptiles.

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