Baby Hypo Central American Boa

(3 Customer Reviews)


Species: Boa constrictor imperator Length: 16-18 inches Diet: Live and Frozen-Thawed Hopper Mice Image: Representative Image SKU:A4319Categories:
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The Hypomelanistic Central American boa is a brightly colored version of the normal wildtype boa. Our baby Hypomelanistic Central American boas for sale have been feeding and hand raised.

3 reviews

  1. k.mcclain576 (verified owner)

    I bought my Hypo from xyz back in December of 2016. I thought I would come back here and share my experience with xyz and my boa who I have now had over two years. First of all, the shipping and waiting process was pretty fantastic. I had made a typo in my address by mistake, and customer service was amazing at fixing that. FedEx did however get behind by a few hours (thanks to Christmas), and when I contacted xyz out of concern because it was cold and it was my first time ever ordering a reptile, they were again helpful in reassuring that my boa would arrive alive and healthy. He of course did arrive, and was very active too despite the cold temps and extended trip. He adjusted fairly quickly, and started eating within the first week. He is honestly probably the healthiest snake I currently own, and I do have some very healthy ones. He’s also a little bigger than what they have their dwarfs listed (I think they say their males average 4ft). He is a little over 5ft currently, but it honestly doesn’t bother me one bit that he is bigger, I personally like it. I also just recently decided to order again from xyz (I got a Purple Passion Ball), and again, it came in super healthy and super beautiful. I do recommend xyz, as they are my favorite online website for snakes so far, and they have very healthy snakes. My sister has also ordered from them, and they are all very healthy too.

    I plan to post a review about my PP Ball when I’ve had him a little longer, and I will continue to do business with xyz once I’m ready to order another snake.

  2. blackdogarmorer

    I have had my male hypo central american for almost 2 months now and hes very active friendly and healthy….this was my first animal purchase xyzreptiles (first time ordering a snake from online as well) and all my concerns were quickly put to rest upon receiving Crush the boa…first off the manor of ordering and receiving your animal is very professional. ( well marked box on time delivery etc.) Secondly Crush was very healthy and had beautiful markings….so a long story short I would highly recommend any and all animals from xyz reptiles….since Crush the boa a friend and i have also gotten from xyz ….Medusa the Pewter ball python and Peel the Banana ball python … all friendly and healthy thanks to xyz

  3. mzerefos (verified owner)

    I ordered a female boa and she came on time. She was awake and adjusted to her new home immediately. I have had her for a few days and she loves being handled. We have not attempted to feed her yet but she seems healthy and alert. Her colors and patterns far surpassed our expectations–she is beautiful!

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