Even before knowing these tortoise facts, many people are fans of these fantastic reptiles. From the time we ever come across a tortoise, we’re fascinated by their slow movements and massive bodies that double as homes. Our fascination seems to grow as time goes on. It’s no surprise that they’re one of the most popular reptile pets. Learn more about these amazing creatures with these fascinating tortoise facts from around the world.
Interesting Overall Tortoise Facts
Let’s get you started with some overall tortoise facts. “Tortoise” refers specifically to terrestrial turtles and they’re usually herbivores that can’t swim. It may be due to their heavier shells. Also, unlike their water counterparts, tortoises have stubby feet. The shell is the tortoise’s exoskeleton, which is made up of three main parts: the bridge, the top carapace, and the bottom plastron. And even though you can’t see them, tortoises have a spine, a collar bone, and even ribs.
Because they’re cold-blooded, they draw their heat from the environment and are usually more active during the day than at night. This is why good reptile lights and other heating methods are highly recommended if you’re thinking of having one as a pet.
Tortoise facts about lifespan and care
These tortoise facts are important to know if you’re looking for a tortoise for sale. Different species are born in captivity which results in the tortoises living between twenty and eighty years, even longer depending on the species. If you’re looking for longevity in your pet, a tortoise is the perfect pick. For those who aren’t able to commit so much time, another reptile would be a better choice. If you decide to get a tortoise, it’s strongly recommended to research the specific type of tortoise you want. That way, you know exactly what it’s needs will be in regards to lighting, habitat, and diet.
Like with any animal, it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you shop for a tortoise for sale. Keepers commonly go for the South American Red-footed Tortoise. It’s bright colors, friendly character, and medium size make it an easy choice.
Information About Tortoise Breeds
Looking for information about tortoise breeds? Some of the captive bred hatchlings available all year long include Leopard Tortoises, African Spurred Tortoise, and the Russian Tortoise. Be sure to always research the type of breed you’re considering so you know the best way to maintain it and give it a healthy, happy life.
Now that you know a little more about tortoises, it’s easier to decide whether or not a tortoise is the pet for you. At xyzReptiles, we’re here to help you decide which reptile is the right one for you.