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Are Monitor Lizards For Sale Venomous?

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For those who prefer larger pets, monitor lizards for sale might be their ideal option. However, many wonder if these larger monitor lizards for sale from online breeders are venomous. These larger lizards are native to Africa, Asia and Australia. They have powerful tails, long necks and well-developed limbs. Currently, there is about 75 known species of monitor lizards, with new lizards discovered from time to time. Monitor lizards do produce a mild anticoagulant venom and are considered by some to be venomous. However, their bite isn’t fatal to humans. Bites will be painful and make the surface of the skin swell up, though.

Things You Must Consider Before Purchasing These Exotic Lizards

Monitor lizards for sale are thought as exotic pets by many. These exotic lizards are not for most beginner reptile owners. Although these intelligent and large exotic lizards have become popular in the reptile pet trade, there are things to consider before purchasing one. Depending on the species, they can grow relatively large and can be rather strong. This is why monitor lizards should not have free roam of homes with children, infants or small animals.

Buy Lizards Online

If you are a seasoned reptile owner and decide you’d like to go forward with owning a monitor lizard, it’s a good idea to look for one online. When you buy lizards online, you have a better chance of finding the perfect monitor lizard since traditional pet shops don’t usually carry a large variety due to space restrictions. Just make sure that you buy lizards online from reputable breeders or conscientious retailers. It’s also wise to get recommendations from forums as to which breeders or retailers to buy from. Don’t forget to also read reviews on breeders before you buy lizards online as pets. All this ensures that you get a healthy monitor lizard delivered to your front door!

Other Reptile Pets To Choose From

If knowing that monitor lizards are considered venomous makes you rethink your decision to buy one, there are many other reptile pets to choose from. Reptile pets are becoming increasingly popular over traditional cat and dog pets because they’re easy to care for and are fun to own. Other reptile pet options include snakes, tortoises and smaller lizards. These reptile pets have no fur, so you won’t have to worry about pet dander if you’re allergic. Plus, they are a lot less messy than other pets. They’ll live in their tank or vivarium for the majority of their time. Depending on the species, feeding can be as little once a week to every other day.

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